The Sci-Fi movie 2012 depicts the extreme in natural disasters. But natural
disasters will always be a part of life, so your home and possessions should be protected.
Flood Insurance
According to, “Flooding is the nation’s number one natural disaster.”
FEMA manages the National Flood Insurance Program which allows property owners to
buy insurance (provided they are in a participating community) with certain private insurance
agencies like Nevin and Witt.
Flood insurance includes events like tidal waves, flooded lakes or rivers (caused by “rapid accumulation” of rain),
and mudflow. It excludes earthquakes (even if it causes a flood) and landslides.
Interested in flood insurance? Fill out a quote form.
For more information about the National Flood Insurance Program, visit FEMA.
Earthquake Insurance
You cannot be denied earthquake insurance. By law, your insurance company is required to
offer you earthquake insurance every other year. Earthquake insurance is essential to protecting
your home, as earthquakes are unpredictable and potentially very damaging. Especially with the
San Andreas Fault running down California, this beautiful state is particularly susceptible to earthquake damage.
What it covers
Earthquake insurance covers three main areas. First of all, the property damage to your home.
Secondly, your belongings (e.g., furniture and electronics) damaged in your dwelling.
Finally, additional living expenses are covered. If you were to be displaced from your home because
of an earthquake, temporary living expenses like a hotel or rental apartment and restaurant expenses
would be covered (anything over and above normal living expenses).
To speak with a property and casualty agent, call 530-872-0111.