Most holidays provide a reason to celebrate with food, family, and fun – it’s the American way. To celebrate National Insurance Awareness Day, however, we would like you to take a moment to think about the things that allow you to not only celebrate, but LIVE.
Insurance brings peace of mind for you and your family and protects those things valued most - a healthy body, reliable vehicle, shelter, and income to care for it all. Having proper coverage is certainly something to be grateful for, whether your policy is for health, vehicle, home, or life. As we age, we become acutely aware of the need for adequate coverage, especially in areas such as long-term care or disability.
Today, we ask that you take a moment to celebrate your life and all the things you are able to enjoy because of the insurance that protects you and your property.
Here are a few ways you may choose to celebrate National Insurance Awareness Day:
- Refer a friend or family member to our agency. We’ll love you for it!
- Give us a call and review your policies to ensure adequate coverage. Sometimes our needs change throughout the year, but we’re too busy to call and adjust our coverages accordingly. Now is the perfect time to review your policies for changes and updates.
- Save a few dollars by raising your deductible. If your financial situation has hit your pocketbook hard, it may help you to temporarily modify your policy. You’ll pay more out of pocket when services are needed, but if you rarely reach your deductible anyway, it may be worth it to you to cut your monthly premium cost.
- Share a funny (but clean) joke that revolves around insurance coverage. You may choose to share a life event that was made possible by the insurance you carry. We know that purchasing and managing your policies is about as fun as visiting the dentist, so let’s lighten the mood a little and share a laugh with others. Post it on your Facebook page, or you can post it on our Nevin and Witt page.
However you look at it, insurance is important to each one of us in order to lead a full life. Take a brief moment today and thank the agencies and brokers who service your needs. Thank YOU for being a loyal customer all year long, and...
Happy Insurance Awareness Day!
Your friends at Nevin and Witt
(800) 247-9889